The Sports Soapbox: A Full Dose of Your Daily Sports

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The best 5 dunks of all-time

Recently JD, a good friend of mine, told me about one of the AND1 guys doing a 720 dunk in an AND1 game. Preposterous. Impossible. Not true. Or so I thought. So I went to youtube and looked it up, sure enough, it was there. (you'll see it posted here if you keep reading.) It was a thing of pure beauty. It looks like a figure skater's triple axl followed by a clean solid throwdown. The dunker, "The Air Up There" would have won a slam dunk contest on any planet with that beauty. No question, it was the best uncontested dunk I have ever seen. And it started a debate about what the best non NBA dunks of all time are. So complete with video evidence, here is the Soapbox's TOP 5 Non-NBA DUNKS OF ALL-TIME....

5. Spider bounces it over opponents head in an AND1 game

4. Abdoul Bamba's cartwheel dunk
(It is the first 2 dunks on this reel. The rest is good, but not top 5 material.)

3.James White goes through his legs from the free throw line!

2. Vince Carter Jumps over a 7 footer!
(Yes I said non NBA dunks not dunkers, and this is the Olympics. Besides if I want to cheat on my own list...)

1. "The Air Up There's" 720 dunk. Wow. Wow. Wait...WOW!

Not bad for some non NBA kids (ok, except Vince I know.) My strength shoes are coming in the mail. I'll be touching rim in no time biatches.

Feel free to hit me up if you got your own votes.


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